The 25th year…

6 04 2009

_mg_13502I turned 25 on Saturday, April 4th, and I can already tell this is going to be a great year. Some people lament getting older but I am really looking forward to the second half of my twenties. People have repeatedly told me that the later twenties are better than the early, and the best time of your life is in your 30s. And I have to say, I really believe them. Aside from the effects aging has on my skin and my butt, okay, my body in general, I am actually starting to enjoy getting older each year. Call me crazy, but it’s nice to be growing into my own skin, if you will. It’s nice to finally be at a place in your life where there is a sense of permanence; where you are the master of your own domain; where you can completely ignore petty playground games that seem to follow you even after you stop getting recess in high school.

Oh boy, what 25 year old me would tell 15 year old me!! The first thing I would tell my younger self is to not believe the lie that becoming an adult means you no longer have any fun and you instantly turn into an old fart over night. Or the lie that your life is all downhill after 25. Life isn’t over at 25, it’s just finally getting started! As they say, you are only as old as you feel, and let me tell you, 25 feels a hell of a lot better than 15. And to be honest, I think the fun is only beginning!

mmm sprinkles with a side of cake!

mmm sprinkles with a side of cake!

My husband (who I think is the best in the world) made turning 25 really special. He planned a surprise afternoon at the spa, greeted me at the door when I got home with mimosas and my favorite movie (Meet me in St. Louis!) cued up on the DVD player because he knew I would want to continue relaxing after my massage, pedi/mani extravaganza. To top it all off he surprised me by inviting some of my closest friends in Cleveland to dinner. And I’ll spare you the details of the “surprise” he gave me after dinner if you catch my drift 😉 Oh, and did I mention he biked to the grocery store while I was at the spa to get ingredients to make me a GIANT birthday cake? Chocolate with chocolate icing and an entire container of rainbow sprinkles. Seriously, it doesn’t get much better than that.

Happy Birthday to me!

Happy Birthday to me!

For this 25th year I am giving myself a few gifts. I am going to start giving myself a break and cutting myself some slack. I am my toughest critic and I often keep myself from experiencing all the joys of life so I going to give that up for this year. I am going to stop worrying about my stretch marks and my butt that is sliding off my body and embrace life’s scars and use them as a reminder of how full my life has been. Case in point, said stretch marks are the result of training for the junior olympics. (Or at least that’s what I’m telling myself.) I am going to really try to stop worrying and rushing through life. I feel like it’s time to put the cruise control on and take a second to look around and enjoy the place that I am in right here and now. I vow to start saying “no” more often and not feel bad about it. I vow to start saying “yes” to myself and remember that I am worth it. And I hope at this time next year I can say I had a whole lot of fun doing it.

Let the fun begin with this here cake!

Let the fun begin with this here cake!



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